Randomness is a trusted shield against smarter and better equipped adversaries

2025 Paperback Edition Pre Order
World dominance is determined in cyber space.
Everything we do today in cyber space is vulnerable to the Single Smart Mathematician Threat.
A thousand not-so-smart mathematicians are no match to a single smarter mathematician.
The power grid, banking, transportation, healthcare, communication, the military are all vulnerable.
The Clock is Ticking, one smart mathematician on the other side is all that is needed for us to suffer the equivalent of a thousand nuclear bombs.
There is only one way to protect our civilization: pattern-devoid cryptography

Trans-Vernam Quantum Resistant Ciphers: a NIST Alternative
Supervised Learning AI Cracks NIST short key Post Quantum Ciphers!
The cipher you use today hinges on the hope that your attacker is not smarter and not better equipped than expected. Alas, the history of cryptography is a repeat tale of attackers who were smarter and better equipped than expected.
BitMint ciphers break away from this daunting shadow. Offering a new class of security: not based on mathematical complexity which can be simplified, rather based on randomness that defies predictability. Furthermore while the user cannot tweak the math of the complexity cipher, the user will readily pour more randomness to his BitMint cipher, and take control of the security of his own communication.
BitMint ciphers represent such a dramatic break away from the inertia-driven complexity cryptography that the first reaction of any seasoned cryptographer is: "No Way!" And then they come around. The simple idea that raw randomness saves the day shines through.
A Tectonic shift in cyberspace. Today the edge and the power is in the hands of the better mathematicians and the bigger computers. We, the people, keep our privacy in cryptography that looks hard and complex to us, but is routinely violated by the mathematical elite.
It's time for a change, time for a new paradigm. We can now establish basic privacy and data assets security without resorting to mathematical complexity. Using randomness instead. Randomness is free and plentiful. Today’s Internet is robust enough to carry it, and it and thereby build security that is immunized against a hacker which is much better equipped than we are, and much smarter than we are.
How Important is it? Freedom and dignity begin with privacy. Innovation and personal-reorientation emerge from an unviolated personal space. A conversation that remains within the conversing parties is the foundation of a free society. The more integrated we are on this earth, the more our privacy, freedom and dignity are at risk, and the more difficult it is to uphold this societal foundation.
To explain the paradigm think of a chess game. You play against a world chess master. Before you start the game, the chess master knocks off one of his rooks. It does not help you. Your material advantage is not enough to overcome the smarts advantage of the master -- you lose. However, if you secure the same material advantage, one rook, in a game where both of you remain with the king only, and now you have an extra rook -- you win. No matter how much smarter the chess master is, the game is yours. What's the difference? It is one rook advantage in both cases. The difference is complexity. The complexity of the interacting thirty one pieces plays into the hands of the smarter player. When you remove this complexity and play a simple board, the smarts advantage disappears.
That is exactly what the people’s cryptography does. It levels the playing field. It gives you the tools to think, say, converse, exchange with trusted parties, secure from exposure, even vis-à-vis those who have otherwise full power over you. Freedom and dignity start with privacy. Now privacy is re-enabled.
The People cryptography is easy to use, but to fully appreciate its power requires some learning. You can learn it the hard way by reading "Pattern Devoid Cryptography" or you can approach the people’s cryptography by entertaining yourself with a nail-biting thriller “The Cipher Who Came in From the Cold”, available everywhere. And you can always write to to talk to us. We are looking for good people!

Street Security versus Academic Security the BitMint mindset
In academia an attack scenario is defined and clever countermeasures prepared. In the street all conceivable barriers are piled on, assuming the attack will be a surprise -- and one day successful, so we focus on bouncing back and recovery. We assume our attackers are smarter than we are, alas, we are fighting with the tenacity of one protecting his own home. We are here to last. We help those who appreciate the difference between academia and the real world.